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Annual meeting and service auction via Zoom October 19 at 7pm
October 19, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT

It’s almost time for the GLC Auction and annual meeting. I hope you have it on your calendar for Monday October 19 at 7pm. I know we all wish we could have been together in September at Eagle View Event Center enjoying the beautiful venue, scenery and a wonderful potluck. We deeply appreciate Chris and Joy Butlers donation of the use of their beautiful facility .However, the reality is we need to meet via ZOOM and do the important work of nominating new board members, renewing our membership or deciding to join, and bidding on all the wonderful items that have been donated by our members.
Realizing that most of us spent the Spring cleaning out closets and getting rid of stuff- we have added the option of buying an unlimited number of food boxes or months of soup for a new program under the GLC umbrella-Food Independence. So many folks in our area are facing food insecurity for the first time or continuing to struggle as the effects of the pandemic linger on and we are proud that 4 GLC members stepped up to meet that need. They are providing over 100 boxes of food each month without the support of Feeding Southwest Va. The rules of that organization require they be self sustaining the for the first 6 months. They started in July so they are buying food at regular prices until January.
Thanks in advance for supporting GLC and everything our members do for our community. We are truly a member-driven organization and we are lucky to have members like you.
Here’s the invitation:
Michelle Pridgen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Annual meeting
Time: Oct 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 2827 9585
Passcode: 073776
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Meeting ID: 862 2827 9585
Passcode: 073776
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcGEo3CSaE