- Join us for our meeting Monday, September 17th at 7:00 pm, where Dr. Curtis Richardson, Professor of Resource Ecology Nicholas School of the Environment, Director, Duke University Wetland Center, will give a presentation titled: Stream & Wetland Restoration: The Key to Improving Water Quality and Habitat Diversity on your Land. Dr. Richardson owns property in Grayson County and has spent many weekends here.
Dr. Richardson’s research interests in applied ecology center on long-term ecosystem response to large-scale perturbations such as acid rain, toxic materials, flooding, or nutrient additions. He has specific interests in wetland ecosystems, phosphorus nutrient dynamics, and the effects of environmental stress on plant metabolism and growth. Major research focuses on wetlands as nutrient sinks and transformers. His current research activities include: (1) the effects of nutrient additions and hydrology on Everglades phosphorus retention and community changes; (2) heavy metal sorption, storage, and removal from pocosin peatlands; (3) wetland development trends in the southeastern United States; and (4) the effects of highway construction on wetland functions