SWVA AG Association Offers Scholarship & Farm Awards

The Southwest Virginia Agricultural Association, Inc will recognize two outstanding farm operations in Southwest Virginia, one General, and one Dairy. The recipient must be a resident of one of the following counties: Bland County, Buchanan County, Carroll County, Dickenson County, Giles County, Grayson County, Lee County, Pulaski County, Russell County, Scott County, Smyth County, Tazewell County, Washington County, Wise County, and Wythe County.

Farm Award Application 2019  Deadline for the application is Friday, March 15, 2019, and can be e-mailed by 5:00 p.m. to aoverbay@vt.edu. Winners are to be recognized at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the SW VA Agricultural Association.
Winning nominations will be asked to present a PowerPoint presentation of their operation during the Annual Meeting. Assistance with this is freely available.

The Southwest Virginia Agricultural Association, Inc will award an annual scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a student entering college or currently enrolled in college pursuing a degree with an agricultural basis and interest. The recipient must be a resident of one of the following counties: Bland County, Buchanan County, Carroll County, Dickenson County, Giles County, Grayson County, Lee County, Pulaski County, Russell County, Scott County, Smyth County, Tazewell County, Washington County, Wise County, and Wythe County.

SW VA Scholarship Form 2019  Deadline for the application is March 15, 2019, and can be e-mailed by 5:00 p.m. to aoverbay@vt.edu. You may fax your application to (276) 783-9314; however, it is strongly recommended you do so by March 12th as facsimiles to our office are processed by a third party. The scholarship will be awarded at the Annual Meeting of the SW VA Agricultural Association.

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