Grayson Permaculture Food Forest & Pollinator Garden

Join the Grayson Permaculture Group as we continue building a Food Forest and pollinator garden at Church of the Good Shepherd in Galax.  Meet at 9441 Grayson Pkwy in Galax, 9:30 am Saturday, May 11th.  Tools & gloves provided, bring water and a snack. Email to sign up or for more information.

The Grayson Permaculture Group is a group of people interested in learning more about permaculture and working collaboratively on a food forest garden project with LandCare and Church of the Good Shepherd.

Interested in joining the GraysonPermaculture Group? We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6-8pm and host a Church of the Good Shepherd Food Forest Workday every month through the spring and summer.


Email for more info or join our Facebook Group.

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