Invitation to join Central Appalachian Young Farmers Coalition new group and listserv.

Central Appalachian Young Farmers Coalition is a new network of farmers in southwest Virginia and the surrounding areas of Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and North Carolina. We are a chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition ( and in the beginning stages of development.
If you would like to join and/or participate in the formation of this chapter, please subscribe to the google group listserv by emailing with subject “CentApp NYFC listserv”. We will share meeting information, educational opportunities, volunteer events, and relevant news.
If you plan to attend the Virginia Biological Farming Conference ( in Roanoke this year, please join us Sunday, January 12 at 7:30pm during the Taste of Virginia for an informal networking event. If you are unable to attend, please fill out this brief survey [] in addition to joining the listserv to share your input and interest in chapter formation.
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