Food Independence continues to see growth in client numbers. Increased costs of food, fuel and everything else is putting a lot of stress on many households that were just getting by. We expect this trend to continue and doubt the numbers will go back down. We will meet that need. It is our mission to provide food assistance to those who need it. When more families need help the most, like now, is when it is most important to be true to our mission. It is especially challenging right now as purchased food is expensive, industry donation of food is limited and the same supply chain problems seen at the grocery store us. Challenging, but more important and more rewarding than ever.
Food Independence is an all-volunteer organization. The Steering Committee provides direction, but it is our large group of devoted volunteers that make it all work. We have absolutely amazing volunteers!
With summer and renewed travel upon us, and demand up, we could use a few more. There are tasks for all skill and strength levels, in front of people or behind the scenes.
If you want to volunteer, send an email to expressing your interest. If you want to discuss what’s involved in volunteering, call our Volunteer Coordinator, Jackie Hayter at 910-639-7170.
FREE PALLETS, please! We have a growing surplus of pallets sitting outside the pantry (behind the Mexican Restaurant on Main St.). If you need pallets, please help yourself to any of these.
If you or someone you know could use some food, please come by.
For more info, email us at above address.