How YOU can help the Free Market help those in need!

Since we began six years ago, we have had a special “Outreach” section with new and like-new dishes, cookware, linens and blankets that are available to people just starting out or starting over, who are referred by a local agency.  This service has not been used very much, leading us to publicize it more; and it’s working!  We have had more clients recently, and that’s why we need your help.

If you would like to contribute to this cause, we could use NEW pillows, sheet sets (especially twin and queen), silverware, dish drainers and laundry baskets.  Thanks to a CARES grant during COVID, we have been able to purchase these items, but the grant won’t last much longer.  We can also use small appliances and cookware in good condition.

The looks of gratitude and excitement on the face of someone who can choose items (for free!) for their new home is heart-warming, and we want to continue this service as long as it is needed.  Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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