2 more Permaculture Activities! Sept 7 during Ag&Art Tour, Plant the Park Sept 27&28

The Ag and Art Adventure returns Saturday September 7. The Permaculture Garden is a stop on the tour again this year. Here’s your chance to learn about Permaculture, food, forests, pollinator, gardens, and community gardens. You can drive yourself or take advantage of the bus tour as well. Enjoy seeing the great new additions to the garden and meet the Permaculture crew as they do their monthly workday. Folks will be at the garden from 9am to 4pm to answer your questions.

All the information about the Tour can be found here https://www.graysoncountyva.com/ag-art-adventure/ including information on the bus tours.

The Town and the Grayson Landcare Permaculture group will be planting Town Park. Please consider volunteering to help plant approximately 500 seedlings and shrubs in Independence Town Park on September 27th (afternoon) and/or September 28th (all day). We’re looking for approximately 20 volunteers who will be divided in to 4-5 planting teams. You don’t need experience – just a good attitude and a willingness to “dig in” (pun intended). We’ll take whatever time you can give us….and we’ll feed you well in return! Interested parties are asked to email Laura Ratcliffe ([email protected]) and Kit Marshall ([email protected]) with questions or to sign up. Please include both as each are out of town between now and the event and we don’t want to miss your email. Thanks in advance!

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