February 11, 2025

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Permaculture Book night-1/16

Join the permaculture group 1/16 at 5:30 to discuss “Night Magic” by Henion. Let host Ann Watson (276-768-8171) know if you plan to attend and to find out details.

Fruit tree pruning 11-1 pm Feb 8

Church of the Good Shepherd 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA, United States

YES, we ARE pruning today! Join us Saturday February 8from 11am until 1 pm at the Permaculture garden at Church of the Good Shepherd.  The workshop will be led by[...]


Grow More Vegetables February 15

Grayson LandCare Office 104 Courthouse Street, Independence, VA, United States

It’s back!  Learn to pack a 21/2 X 5 foot raised bed with a huge amount of vegetables! It’s easy to multiply by 5 so this works for larger gardens[...]


Permaculture workday March 15

Church of the Good Shepherd 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA, United States

Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March  15 from 9:30-noon.  All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[...]

Shade Tree Pruning Workshop

Independence Town Park 108 E Main St 24348, Independence, VA, United States

Join us for a free shade tree pruning workshop March 22 at Town Park.  The workshop is from 10 to noon and will  be led by Casey Johnson.  Casey has a[...]


Permaculture workday and Kids Day April 10

Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday April 12 from 9:30-noon.  This one includes special activities for kids.  Stay tuned for more details. All workdays are in the Permaculture[...]

Potluck and weeding at Town Park May 15

Independence Town Park 108 E Main St 24348, Independence, VA, United States

Are curious about the orange flags around the retention pond at Town Park?  Come see how the native seedlings fared this winter and help weed the planting.  Join us May[...]

Using Herbs- May 17

Church of the Good Shepherd 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA, United States

Join Michelle and Cynthia May 17 from 10-noon for an herbal workshop.  We'll forage plants from the Food Forest at Church of the Good Shepherd and prepare them to eat,[...]

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