Permaculture Meeting and potluck October 9
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly meeting and potluck Thursday October 9 at 6pm. Contact Cynthia at [email protected] for more more information. Permaculture meetings are generally the 2nd Thursday[...]
Permaculture Workday October 11
Church of the Good Shepherd 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA, United StatesJoin the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[...]
Harvest Moon Social, Auction and Annual Meeting is October 20. YOU are invited!
Grange Hall, Troutdale Va 840 Grange Hall Rd, Troutdale, United StatesYou are cordially invited to join Grayson LandCare Monday, October 20 6:00-9pm at the Goodwill Grange #959, 840 Grange Hall Road, Troutdale VA, 24378. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Please[...]
Annual Permaculture retreat Nov 8
Join the Permaculture group for their annual retreat. Details to follow
Garden cleanup workshop November 15
Church of the Good Shepherd 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA, United StatesDo you wonder how to best prepare the garden for winter to help protect pollinators and other wildlife? Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday November15 from 1-3 pm.[...]
Permaculture Meeting and bonfire Dec 12
Join the permaculture group for their yearly bonfire with Christmas carols