Permaculture Workday April 13
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday April 13 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson Pkwy,[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday April 13 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson Pkwy,[…]
It’s back. Learn to pack a 21/2 X 5 foot raised bed with a huge amount of vegetables! It’s easy to multiply by 5 so this works for larger gardens[…]
What the heck is Hugelculture? Join us to learn more about this age-old soil-building technique and how you can use the principles in your own garden. RSVP
6:00 pm, Thursday, April 13th at the Grayson LandCare office Potluck & Intro to Permaculture Bring a dish to share and learn more about Permaculture and how to apply its[…]
Join the Grayson Permaculture Group for a variety of tasks required to maintain and expand the Food Forest Garden. Learn from our group of experienced permaculture gardeners and explore the[…]
Join us July 18th at the Church of the Good Shepherd to tour the Permaculture Garden. This GLC project started 5 years ago when Cynthia Taylor offered to teach a[…]
Marlene Condon will be the featured speaker for May. On Monday, May 18 from 7-8 pm at the Grayson LandCare office at 104 Courthouse Street, Marlene—who has created nature-friendly gardens[…]