Just a reminder to enter the Grayson LandCare(GLC) pest and beneficial bug photography contest. The last day to submit entries is Wednesday September 16th. The winners will be announced via Zoom during the regular monthly GLC meeting Monday September 21 at 7pm.
These should be common pests or benefical insects of our local vegetable and fruit crops. Rather than artistic presentation, we are looking for clarity of the image for easy identification. Including the plant where the bug was located would also be helpful. Independence Farmers Market is planning to publish a hyper local gardening book based on our “Grow more vegetables” classes. By entering this completion, you give GLC/IFM the right to use your photographs in the book. All photos will be credited to the photographer.1st place is $100, 2nd $50 and third$25. High resolution digital photographs can be emailed to director@graysonlandcare.org. Good luck and thanks for entering!
Winners will also be posted on the GLC and IFM facebook pages, webpages and released to the newspapers. This was originally planned to be a special class of the Grayson County Fair photography contest. Unfortunately, like so many large events this year, the Fair has been cancelled. However, GLC decided to proceed with the competition. If you have enjoyed taking photos, you might want to enter the Fair photography contest next year!
Here’s the Zoom invitation:
Time: Sep 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 9489 0736
Passcode: 266800
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Meeting ID: 899 9489 0736
Passcode: 266800
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbavLFVMll

These should be common pests of our local vegetable and fruit crops. Rather than artistic presentation, we are looking for clarity of the image for easy identification. Including the plant where the bug was located would also be helpful. Independence Farmers Market is planning to publish a hyper local gardening book based on our “Grow more vegetables” classes. By entering this completion, you give GLC/IFM the right to use your photographs in the book. All photos will be credited to the photographer.1st place is $100, 2nd $50 and third$25. High resolution digital photographs can be emailed to director@graysonlandcare.org. Good luck and thanks for entering!