May Permaculture Cookout and GLC Meeting Information and Upcoming Permaculture Project

In place of our usual third Monday GLC meeting, the Grayson Permaculture has invited all GLC members to join them Thursday, May 20th, at 6:00 pm . They  will be hosting a cookout and Food Forest garden tour at Church of the Good Shepherd in Galax. Burgers/hotdogs will be provided, bring a side dish/drink to share. Bring your lawn chairs if you can. Garden tour following dinner.  Please RSVP  

Church Address: 9441 Grayson Pkwy, Galax, VA 24333

Saturday, May 22nd, at 9:30 am volunteers will be working to install a deer fence around the annual crop garden that we are planting this year. Join us if you can!  Bring water, gloves, and a shovel if you have one.  

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