Tomato Festival, National Farmers Market week and Christmas in August Craft Fair at IFM

The Tomato Festival on August 2 has it all! A free tomato tasting and 3 contests, all featuring a $100 first prize.

The Salsa Contest is People’s Choice. Even if you don’t enter, plan to stop by, taste the entries and vote for your favorite. This is a people’s choice contest and YOU are the judge! To enter, bring a quart of salsa to the Market before 9:30. The winner is announced at noon.

The Monster Tomato Contest is always fun. Bring your tomato to the Market by 11:30. Weigh-in at noon. It doesn’t have to be pretty or ripe, just BIG!

New this year, we have a tomato pie contest sponsored by Wagon Wheel Farm. Winner take all. Bring your pie to the Market by 9. Judging starts at 9:30. Winner will be announced at the end of judging.

And we’ll have IFM Kids Bucks for the first 20 Kids to the Manager’s booth.

National Farmers Market is August 4-10. This highlights the role Farmers Markets play in building community and offering small businesses an inexpensive venue to sell their products. If you value the role IFM plays in our community, please consider making a donation. We rely on your support to sustain the Market and allow us to continue to support our vendors and customers, teach cooking and gardening classes and provide fresh healthy food to our neighbors. You can donate here:

Our other event in August is our annual Christmas in August Craft Fair. Support our talented local artisans and find some one of a kind gifts for everyone on your list, including you!

See you at the Market and bring a friend!

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