2025 Workshops and Events

We’re offering workshops again this year instead of our monthly Monday meetings, partnering with the IFM and Permaculture group. Stay tuned for full details in the newsletter, the events page,[…]

Fruit tree pruning is our 1st Workshop in February

Fruit Tree Pruning Join us Saturday, February 8 from 11 am until 1 pm at the Permaculture Garden at Church of the Good Shepherd.  The Garden is located at 9441 Grayson Parkway in[…]

Happy New Year! Workshop Schedule.

I hope everyone is staying warm during this unusually cold January. We will be offering workshops again this year instead of our monthly Monday meetings and partnering with the IFM[…]

It’s Giving Tuesday

Dear friends and neighbors, I want to thank everyone for their generous donations at our Annual Meeting and Auction. If you would like to make an additional donation to Grayson[…]

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