Happy New Year! Workshop Schedule.

I hope everyone is staying warm during this unusually cold January.

We will be offering workshops again this year instead of our monthly Monday meetings and partnering with the IFM and Permaculture group. Stay tuned for full details in the newsletter, the events page, and facebook page as we get closer to the dates. We are still working on the full schedule, but here’s what we have planned so far. Save the dates and plan to attend!

Feb 8- Fruit tree pruning at the Permaculture Garden with Casey Johnson. 11-1 Free. Snow date Feb. 22

Feb 15- Grow More Vegetables workshop part one. GLC office 9-noon $15. Snow date Feb 22

March 1. Grow More Vegetables part 2- pests, disease, fertility and irrigation. GLC office. $15 Snow date March 8

The Seed Library open house at the Wythe Grayson Regional library-date to determined.  At the Library. Free

April 12- Kids garden day at the Permaculture Garden,

May 15-garden day at the new pollinator planting at Town Park. Weeding 5-6, Potluck after.

May 17-Edible Herb workshop at the Permaculture Garden, 10- noon Make a salve, a tincture and eat some foraged plants.$10

June 19-THURSDAY LandCare meeting, potluck, garden tour and ragged plant sale. Permaculture Garden, free, 6-8pm

June 21 Compost and water catchment workshop at the Permaculture Garden.  10-noon free

July 26 Clint Morse will lead a workshop on exciting developments of American Chestnut breeding and teach a new testing method.  GLC office time to be determined. Free. This is part of a new breeding effort in cooperation with Matthews Forest and the American Chestnut Foundation.

August 8-9 Grayson County Fair. Bottomley’s Warehouse Free 10 am-7pm ( The Fair Foundation is working on a new location for this event)

September 6-Ag and Art Tour and seed saving. Permaculture Garden 9-4 Free

October 20- Annual Meeting and Auction 6-9- location to be determined

November 15- Garden Cleanup Workshop. Permaculture Garden 1-3 free

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