Food Independence has grown about fivefold since opening in 2020. We now source over 150,000 pounds of food per year that is distributed on a monthly basis to about 380 households containing nearly 800 people. The support of generous donors funds the effort. A truly amazing cadre of over 50 volunteers contribute about 200 hours each month to makes Food Independence succeed. A great Steering Committee guides and advises but, like most small start-ups, day-to-day functions fall largely on a few people: Jackie Hayter, Volunteer Coordinator; Anita Simpson, Secretary/Treasurer and intake/data management; and Tom Simpson, Chair, procurement, planning, scheduling, etc. As we told our Volunteers; that’s not a complaint, it’s an honor!
All three of us are clearly “post-retirement” and, speaking for myself only, wear out, physically and mentally, easier each year. We also must help care for family (OK, be honest – and want to travel while we can). We have decided we must retire, again, in a manner that keeps Food Independence stable and prepares it for the future. Jackie needs to step down by this summer and Anita and I have set January 31, 2026 as our retirement date. Working with the Steering Committee, we developed a draft “Shared Leadership Plan” that subdivides our activities under seven Task Leaders (Financial Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Intake and Information, Product Sourcing and Ordering, Preparation Week, Distribution Day and Facility Management, with Chair or Co-Chairs leader(s). This will reduce the strain and time commitment on any one person. We shared an overview of this plan with our volunteers and are finalizing a detailed description with time commitments, role, duties, etc. for each Task Leader. Email Anita Simpson ([email protected]) if you want a copy of the overview. We will share the detailed descriptions with anyone interested in a Task leader role. They will be completed by 2/1/25.
All three of us plan to stay, volunteer and help with the transition, as requested, once we step down. BUT, we need to find people who will take on Task Leader, and Chair, roles and know that will take time. If you or anyone you know is a good fit for any of these positions, let us know, even if you/they have not volunteered with us before. No obligation, just a conversation.
Food Independence has become an important part of LandCare, and our community, that we cannot afford to lose. Please help us as we transition to a new leadership approach that serves us and our community even better in the future.