Planning for the “near future” at Food Independence
Food Independence has grown about fivefold since opening in 2020. We now source over 150,000 pounds of food per year that is distributed on a monthly basis to about 380[…]
Food Independence has grown about fivefold since opening in 2020. We now source over 150,000 pounds of food per year that is distributed on a monthly basis to about 380[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday August 16 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday July 12 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Are curious about the orange flags around the retention pond at Town Park? Come see how the native seedlings fared this winter and help weed the planting. Join us May[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday April 12 from 9:30-noon. This one includes special activities for kids. Stay tuned for more details. All workdays are in the Permaculture[…]
Dear friends and neighbors, I want to thank everyone for their generous donations at our Annual Meeting and Auction. If you would like to make an additional donation to Grayson[…]
The Free Market building had lots of water running under the front door, all the way to the back where it has soaked the carpet in our workroom. We also[…]