Grow More Vegetables February 15
It’s back! Learn to pack a 21/2 X 5 foot raised bed with a huge amount of vegetables! It’s easy to multiply by 5 so this works for larger gardens[…]
It’s back! Learn to pack a 21/2 X 5 foot raised bed with a huge amount of vegetables! It’s easy to multiply by 5 so this works for larger gardens[…]
Clint Morse will lead a workshop on exciting developments of American Chestnut breeding and teach a new testing method. Saturday 26, 3pm- Meet at the GLC office at 104 Courthouse[…]
Join us for a free shade tree pruning workshop March 22 at Town Park. The workshop is from 10 to noon and will be led by Casey Johnson. Casey has a[…]
Join the permaculture group from 10- noon June 21st at the Permaculture garden at Church of the Good Shepherd for a composting and water harvesting workshop. There are lots of[…]
Did you miss the earlier canning classes? Do you need a refresher? Learn the basics of water bath and pressure canning. We’ll can tomatoes and pressure can applesauce. The class[…]
Everyone is invited to a permaculture workday Saturday, June 8, the annual Potluck, tour and plant sale Monday June 17 and the No Mow Workshop Saturday June 22. Join the[…]
Due to low registrations, the workshop has been cancelled Join the Permaculture Group to re-purpose pallets into herb, planters, and tea cup bird feeders for your patio, deck, or garden. […]
This was one of our most popular presentations last year. If you need a refresher or missed the presentation last year, here’s your chance. Cynthia and Rick Taylor will share[…]