IFM Vendor meeting March 28, 11-2 VFW

We are currently working on the fees for 2025. More details soon. The schedule is here

Have you always wanted to join the Market as a vendor? Find out everything you need to know Friday March 28 at the VFW.

Just a reminder, we are a producer market.  In a nutshell, this means you need to grow or make what you sell.  Full information can be found in the rules below. Please plan to attend the pre-season vendor meeting March 28 from 11am to 2 pm at the THE VFW HALL at 115 Klondike Rd, Independence, VA 24348  It’s a potluck. Attendance is expected.  (Coming from Independence, Klondike rd is a left off HWY 58)

  • Here are the IFM rules . Please read them and retain a copy for yourself.
  • Each vendor then needs to fill out the Vendor Application Form and return it to the market manager before selling at the market.
  • Here is a helpful VDACS labelling and regulation chart.
  • If you are a Producer/Processor type vendor, please read over the update to the Virginia Home-Canned Food Exemptions.
  • Safe sampling information is here
  • The 2025 schedule is here

You can also call or email to the contact information above for copies to be mailed to you. We will have copies available at the market as well. If you plan to use a scale at the Market, it needs to be ANSI approved and inspected by Donna Harless at Weights and measures. Donna will be at the vendor meeting. If possible, bring your scale on Friday. If that doesn’t work, her contact information is,  276-228-4127.

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