
#GivingTuesdayNow is a global event created to try and meet the needs of our local communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Grayson LandCare, like the rest of our friends and neighbors, has had to adjust our activities because of the recent Stay-at-home orders and other safety precautions. We have had to cancel most of our presentations and scale back our other activities, but are still managing to make a positive impact in the following ways: we’ve awarded mini-grants, held the Grayson LandCare LandFair, supported the Independence Farmers Market, continued the Food Forest project at Church of the Good Shepherd, and will sponsor a bug photography contest. We could use your help to ensure that we can continue to support these and other projects. Please donate Here

Grayson LandCare members have also played a key role in creating the Community hotline to answer any questions folks might have about Covid-19 and where to look for help. Just call 276-200-4654. They also helped set up a Community Relief Fund that will offer assistance right here in Grayson County. You can donate to this fund by writing a check to: Emergency Relief Fund of Grayson County and mailing it to Grayson County Treasurer, 129 Davis Street, Suite 205, PO Box 127, Independence, VA 24348 or drop it in the big brick box in the lower Courthouse parking lot.

Thank you for any help you can offer and for being an important part of our community.

Our next newsletter will highlight The Grayson LandCare LandFair . You will also find an update on the IFM and information on entering the Bug photo contest. Stay healthy and safe.

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