The Free Market, Matchmaker for Your Treasures

Our usual procedure at the Free Market is to clean, sort, and put your donations on the shelves for anyone who comes through the doors.  However, some items deserve special consideration!  Over the years, we have formed partnerships with many people and organizations that allow us to find just the right home for some things.  One example is large punchbowls and cups, which few people keep in their homes these days.  However, the GATE Center needed these for wedding and anniversary receptions held there.  The Tourism Office asked us for 15 clear glass vases for a coming event; we may get them back when the event is over!   Suitcases and duffel bags in good shape are given to the Women’s Shelter in Sparta, as most of their clients arrive with only garbage bags for their belongings.

A beautiful trumpet and case went to the high school band director, so a student who can’t afford an instrument can still join the band.  And a brand-new set of harmonicas went to a string band student interested in learning harps.  Two large-screen TV’s have been given to Mt. Rogers Community Services for group homes.  Like-new kitchenware and linens go to our Outreach area, where agency clients who are starting over can get what they need.  Medical equipment, like walkers and wheelchairs, go into the Medical Lending Library to be loaned to anyone who needs them.

So please trust us with the things you no longer need!  We will do our best to find a new home where they will be loved and used.

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