Permaculture Workday March 15
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
It’s back! Learn to pack a 21/2 X 5 foot raised bed with a huge amount of vegetables! It’s easy to multiply by 5 so this works for larger gardens[…]
Do you wonder how to best prepare the garden for winter to help protect pollinators and other wildlife? Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday November15 from 1-3 pm.[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday August 16 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday July 12 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join Michelle and Cynthia May 17 from 10-noon for an herbal workshop. We’ll forage plants from the Food Forest at Church of the Good Shepherd and prepare them to eat,[…]
Are curious about the orange flags around the retention pond at Town Park? Come see how the native seedlings fared this winter and help weed the planting. Join us May[…]