Garden cleanup workshop November 15
Do you wonder how to best prepare the garden for winter to help protect pollinators and other wildlife? Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday November15 from 1-3 pm.[…]
Do you wonder how to best prepare the garden for winter to help protect pollinators and other wildlife? Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday November15 from 1-3 pm.[…]
Be sure to include a stop at the Permaculture Garden during the Ag & Art Tour this year. Meet permaculture group members, take the tour of the Food Forest and[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday March 15 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday August 16 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the Permaculture group for their monthly workday July 12 from 9:30-noon. All workdays are in the Permaculture garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd located at 9441 Grayson[…]
Join the permaculture group from 10- noon June 21st at the Permaculture garden at Church of the Good Shepherd for a composting and water harvesting workshop. There are lots of[…]
Join Michelle and Cynthia May 17 from 10-noon for an herbal workshop. We’ll forage plants from the Food Forest at Church of the Good Shepherd and prepare them to eat,[…]
Are curious about the orange flags around the retention pond at Town Park? Come see how the native seedlings fared this winter and help weed the planting. Join us May[…]