Thanks to everyone who entered! The photos are wonderful and I hope everyone enjoys looking at them. As I have more time, I’ll continue to identify them.
1st place Phillip Childress-wheelbug 2nd place Jen Cavey-harlequin bug and eggs & eggs 3rd place Michelle and Jovi Stamper-tomato hornworm and bracnid wasp egg cases
Ethan Cole-praying mantis Dawn Edwards-honey bee Marcia Sutherland-grasshopper Wendy Pierce Stephens-assassin bug with squash bug Gordon Allen-lady bug lion Justine Jackson Ricketts-bumble bee Katrina Alexander-praying mantis with egg case Paige Byars-pine sawfly Abby Vaughan-sphinx moth Levi Blevins-16-praying mantis Wendy Pierce Stephens-bean beetle larvae Michelle Pridgen-tomato fruit worm Sarah Osborne-harlequin bugs Adam Joyce-molting cicada Valerie Williams-molting wheel bug Jen Cavey-potato beetle with eggs
The entire gallery of amazing photographs.
Adam Joyce-locust Wendy Pierce Stephens-lady bug Wendy Pierce Stephens-harlequin bugs Wendy Pierce Stephens-bean beetle larvae Wendy Pierce Stephens-milkweed bug Wendy Pierce Stephens-tomato hornworm Wendy Pierce Stephens-japanese beetle Wendy Pierce Stephens-tomato hornworm Wendy Pierce Stephens-harlequin bug Valerie Williams-wheel bug Tryhena Horsley-locust Thomas Fairhurst Thomas Fairhurst Thomas Fairhurst Thomas Fairhurst Thomas Fairhurst Thomas Fairhurst Rebecca Johnson-squash bugs Sherry Tompkins-locust Sherry Tompkins Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds Rebecca Edmonds-spotted tiger beetle Phoebe Fant-14 Phoebe Fant Phoebe Fant-14 Phoebe Fant Peggy Dean Nan Chase Nan Chase Nan Chase Nan Chase Nan Chase Mimi Thomas Mary McElligot Kenia Martinez-8 Marcia Sutherland Levi Blevins-16 Leah Sauls Leah Sauls-spotted apateldes moth Leah Sauls Leah Sauls Leah Sauls Kerri Porter Kerri Porter Keith Andrews-eastern dobsonfly Katrina Alexander-Praying mantis eggcase Katrina Alexander Katrina Alexander Karen Reeves Justine Jackson-Ricketts Joe Nehls-Woodstone Joe Nehls-Woodstone Joe Nehls-Woodstone Joyce Rouse Jovi Stamper-10 Jon Larson Jon Larson Jon Larson Jennie Farmer Joe Nehls-Woodstone Jerry Leonard Jen Cavey Janet Phipps James Adams James Adams Jack Haga Hilda Walters Eva Anders Eva Anders Elizabeth Lane Elizabeth Lane Della Casey Debbie Bramer-walking stick Choe Vaughn Brent Rotenizer Bert Kelling Angela Shore Abby Vaughan-sphinx moth Abby Vaughan Michelle Pridgen Kathy Cole Michelle Pridgen-tomato fruitworm Michelle Pridgen-cornearworm Paige Byars-pine sawfly Wendy Pierce Stephens-marginal blister beetle Dawn Edwards Jennie Farmer
April Carico April Carico April Carico Ethan Cole Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Gordon Allen Karin Culp Levi Blevins-16 Levi Blevins Marci Spurlin Marci Spurlin Marci Spurlin Bert Kelling Penny Dean Wendy Pierce Stephens Wendy Pierce Stephens Wendy Pierce Stephens Jack Osborne-10 Jack Osborne Karin Culps Levi Blevins-16 Sarah Osborne Sarah Osborne Sarah Osborne Sarah Osborne Luke Osborne-5
I’ll be adding photos of other pest and beneficial creatures. I received some of snakes, toads, slugs and snails. Please check back in a day or two.