Happy New Year

I hope 2024 is off to a good start for everyone.

Based on feedback from the members, we have decided to offer workshops rather than monthly meetings. In addition, Jean Roznik is happy to give a presentation on “approaching Zero Waste.” Which highlights how she has reduced waste in her home. Please let me if this is a topic of interest.

The workshop schedule:

February 10- Pruning with Casey Johnson at the Permaculture Garden Food Forest at Church of the Good Shepherd 11am-1pm. Dress warmly and bring pruners or loopers if you have them. We’ll focus on fruit trees with a quick review of pruning blueberries. Free

February 17- Grow More Vegetables Workshop. 9am to noon at the GLC office. Learn how to get more out of your garden space regardless of the size. Season extension, intercropping and succession planting will be covered. $15 at the door, All proceeds to benefit the Independence Farmers Market.

March 2- Grow More Vegetables- Pest, Disease, irrigation and fertility workshop. ( am to noon at the GLC office. We’ll discuss common garden problems and take some time to use tools, figure fertilizer rates and more. $15 at the door, light refreshments. All proceeds benefit the Independence Farmers Market.

April 13 Seed Library Open House 1-3pm at the Wythe Grayson Regional Library. Learn about the Seed library, pick up some seeds, drop off some seeds. Come by at 2pm for a quick introduction to seed saving. Free

May 9 Planter workshop and potluck 6pm at Church of the Good Shepherd. Join the Permaculture group for this innovative planter workshop. $10 to cover materials. Please RSVP by contacting Cynthia at cynthia@grasyonlandcare.org.

June 17 Plant Sale, Tour and Potluck 6pm at Church of the Good Shepherd. Always a fun meeting. Enjoy a delicious potluck, tour the permaculture garden and purchase native plants. All proceeds benefit the Permaculture group

June 22 No Mow, Introduction to Permaculture Workshop. Saturday June 22 9am-noon at the GLC office, 104 Courthouse Street in Independence. Are you tired of spending your free time mowing? Save time and money while helping pollinators and wildlife! Learn to use permaculture design principles to reduce maintenance and increase enjoyment of your space, no matter how large or small. Cynthia Taylor will lead this workshop and the public is invited. Please rsvp to 276-768-0597 or director@grasyonlandcare.org, space is limited.

July 13 Introduction to canning. July 13 1-4pm. Location TBA. Join us for this Introduction to canning workshop. We will highlight both water bath and pressure canning. I confess, I am a rank amateur when it comes to pressure canning. So let’s learn together! We make water bath pickles and pressure can some beans. Please RSVP so we can have enough supplies. Michelle at graysonlandcare.org or 276-768-0597

August 7-Drop off entries for the Grayson County Fair 3-7pm. We can always use volunteers for taking entries and getting ready for the Fair. The Fair is the 2nd weekend in August. While the Fair committee works towards a permanent location, the Fair will be held at Bottomley’s Warehouse in Elk Creek.

September 7- Invasive plant workshop. Join Cynthia and Rick Taylor for a repeat of their very popular presentation. If you missed it or need a refresher on how to control common local invasive plants, this class is for you. Location to be announced.

September 14-15-Ag and Art Tour. Visit artisans and farmers around Grayson County and be sure to stop in for a tour of the Permaculture Garden. It’s on the tour again this year.

September 28-Farm and Forage Herbs for beginners. Learn about growing and foraging for some basic useful herbs.  Stay tuned for details

October 21-GLC Annual Auction, hors d’oeuvres, and meeting. Join us for Grayson LandCare’s largest fundraiser. It’s a fun evening of tasty food, beverages and a great auction. Vote for new GLC board members and help us plan for 2025.

November 2-Permaculture retreat. Stay tuned for details

December 13-Annual Permaculture Potluck, bonfire and caroling. 5:30 pm at the Taylors. Contact Cynthia at cynthia@graysonlandcare.org for more details.

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