Permaculture Updates
What a glorious time of year to work outside together. More rewarding still when our labors are starting to yield results!Pictured here are some of the fruit laden trees in[…]
What a glorious time of year to work outside together. More rewarding still when our labors are starting to yield results!Pictured here are some of the fruit laden trees in[…]
We are so pleased to be able to continue the tradition of featuring local authors for our November meeting. Authors Deborah Clark and Robert La Combe will read from their[…]
Forester Britt Boucher is the featured speaker for September. He will speak on best forest management practices for landowners on Monday September 20 from 7-8pm at the Baldwin Auditorium of[…]
As part of Clean River Month, Elizabeth Underwood will be our featured speaker at our August meeting on the 16th at 7pm. This meeting will be held in the Baldwin[…]
The river cleanup on August 7 was great fun and resulted in 28 tires and a bunch of other trash being pulled out of the New River! The weather was[…]
Grayson LandCare will be hosting Elizabeth Underwood, the new Executive Director of the New River Conservancy at our regular monthly meeting August 16 at 7pm, at the Baldwin auditorium in[…]
Please help us spread the news! There is still plenty of time to enter. Everything is different in a pandemic, and our annual Grayson LandCare(GLC) contest for high school students[…]
Thanks to everyone who entered! The photos are wonderful and I hope everyone enjoys looking at them. As I have more time, I’ll continue to identify them. SHOUT OUT TO[…]