Potluck recipes
A friend once told me that every true southern should have a “signature dish” or two… My go to appetizer is incredibly pretty and easy. Nasturtium blossoms stuffed with cream[…]
A friend once told me that every true southern should have a “signature dish” or two… My go to appetizer is incredibly pretty and easy. Nasturtium blossoms stuffed with cream[…]
Thanks to everyone who has already entered the bug photography contest. We’ll be taking entries until the end of September and you can enter as many photos as you like.[…]
#GivingTuesdayNow is a global event created to try and meet the needs of our local communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Grayson LandCare, like the rest of our friends and neighbors,[…]
Grayson County and Town of Independence officials are offering help during this unpressidented situation. Here are some links you might find helpful https://www.graysoncountyva.gov/coronavirus-19/ http://independenceva.com/ Here’s the link to the resources[…]
Grayson LandCare is pleased to announce the 2020 mini-grant award winners. Mini-grant awards are given to Grayson LandCare members to help them create or continue to support an idea that[…]
2020 Grayson LandCare Presentation Schedule February 17-Reid Walters, Independence Town Manager, Town update March 16 – CANCELLED Britt Boucher, Forester, Planning for your forest’s future April 20- CANCELLED Michelle Pridgen,[…]
All Grayson LandCare meetings are open to the public. They typically occur the third Monday of the month from 7-8 pm and include a brief update on GLC activities and[…]