Grayson LandCare LandFair winners!
Grayson LandCare was unable to hold their annual Landcare Fair or “LandFair” this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, awards were still given based on proposals submitted by this[…]
Grayson LandCare was unable to hold their annual Landcare Fair or “LandFair” this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, awards were still given based on proposals submitted by this[…]
#GivingTuesdayNow is a global event created to try and meet the needs of our local communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Grayson LandCare, like the rest of our friends and neighbors,[…]
2020 Grayson LandCare Presentation Schedule February 17-Reid Walters, Independence Town Manager, Town update March 16 – CANCELLED Britt Boucher, Forester, Planning for your forest’s future April 20- CANCELLED Michelle Pridgen,[…]