4 events at IFM in September!
4 events will be held at the Market in September: Cooking Day, Pepper Day, 2nd Saturday Market, and the Apple Festival. Cooking Days with Chef Jen are held the first[…]
4 events will be held at the Market in September: Cooking Day, Pepper Day, 2nd Saturday Market, and the Apple Festival. Cooking Days with Chef Jen are held the first[…]
331 boxes to 700 people (82 children) in 292 households, Oh my! We expected to set a new record for boxes distributed in November or December but not in October.[…]
Happy Holidays from Food Independence!!! What a joyful ride Food Independence, our volunteer “staff” andour clients have had the last 18 months! We have distributed nearly 200,000 pounds of food[…]
The Free Market—Full of Surprises! We are temporarily closed again, because of low vaccination rates and high COVID infection rates in our area. Because the Free Market is NOT essential,[…]
We now have a plan for making the office space attractive and functional, and we have purchased folding chairs and black-out roman shades. Here is a list of other things we[…]