May Day Cleanup
Celebrate May Day by doing a good deed! The Town of Independence received a grant for cleaning up the Town. Grayson LandCare is working with them to host a cleanup.[…]
Celebrate May Day by doing a good deed! The Town of Independence received a grant for cleaning up the Town. Grayson LandCare is working with them to host a cleanup.[…]
Join the Grayson Permaculture Group for a variety of tasks required to maintain and expand the Food Forest Garden. Learn from our group of experienced permaculture gardeners and explore the[…]
2022 was quite a year in the food assistance business. High inflation rates, especially for food and fuel, were hard on all but hardest on lower and/or fixed income households.[…]
The GLC cleanup was cancelled on the 6th due to thunderstorms. We will try again Saturday August 20. Meet at 1624 Battlefield Drive-look for the Grayson LandCare sign- between 8:30-9am[…]
Food Independence turned two in July! We were adopted in June 2020 when GLC accepted us as an affiliated program and were conceived in March 2020 in a fairly routine[…]
The Grayson County Fair is back this year with some fun new additions: a dog show and more kids activities. It’s easy to participate in the Fair competitions. You can[…]
What a glorious time of year to work outside together. More rewarding still when our labors are starting to yield results!Pictured here are some of the fruit laden trees in[…]
Almost 5 years after we opened, there are still many people who do not understand what we do! Our primary goal is to keep useful items OUT of the landfill[…]