Grayson LandCare to host Reid Walters February 17th
All Grayson LandCare meetings are open to the public. They typically occur the third Monday of the month from 7-8 pm and include a brief update on GLC activities and[…]
All Grayson LandCare meetings are open to the public. They typically occur the third Monday of the month from 7-8 pm and include a brief update on GLC activities and[…]
Danny Boyer, lifelong resident of Grayson County, grass-fed beef producer, past President of Grayson LandCare, and retired NCRS conservation technician, will present his research on forage at the January monthly[…]
Join LandCare to celebrate the holiday season on Monday, December 16th @6:00 PM at the LandCare office. Bring a finger food and beverage to share, and shelf-stable and weatherproof food[…]
Join or Renew Your Membership! It’s that time of year again! If you have not already, please take a moment to renew your membership in Grayson LandCare. Your membership and[…]
November 18th 7:00 pm @ the LandCare Office Join us to hear readings from two local authors: Richard Rouse “The Welcome Home Door” and Deborah Tilson Clark “Friend, Foe, or[…]
Bring a dish to share and join us 5 pm, Monday October 21st, at Ward Manor, Saddle Creek Road, Independence for our annual meeting, pot luck dinner and silent auction.[…]
More than half of the solid waste generated in Virginia (and the US) is organic material that could potentially be composted. As environmental concerns, costs and difficulty in siting landfills[…]
Join LandCare for a potluck dinner at Matthews Farm! Bring a dish to share and join us to learn more about Matthews Farm’s many programs and volunteer opportunities! 476 White Pine[…]