CANCELLED:Planter Workshop and potluck at Church of the Good Shepherd
Due to low registrations, the workshop has been cancelled Join the Permaculture group for a planter workshop Thursday May 9 at 6pm at Church of the Good Shepherd. A meal[…]
Due to low registrations, the workshop has been cancelled Join the Permaculture group for a planter workshop Thursday May 9 at 6pm at Church of the Good Shepherd. A meal[…]
YES, we ARE pruning today! Join us Saturday February 10 from 11am until 1 pm at the Permaculture garden at Church of the Good Shepherd. The workshop will be led[…]
Instead of a meeting this month, we’ll have a hands-on workshop. Join us Sunday afternoon November 19 from 2-4 pm. Make your own holiday cards and gift tags with pressed[…]
Instead of a meeting this month, we’ll have a hands-on workshop. Join us Sunday afternoon November 19 from 2-4 pm. Make your own holiday cards and gift tags with pressed[…]
An evening workshop to make herb gardens from repurposed pallets (thank you Food Independence) was held on Wednesday May 31 at Church of the Good Shepherd. Enthusiastic church members and[…]
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing the Pallet Herb Garden Workshop. A new date has not been set. Saturday, May 20th, 9:30-1pm we will have our monthly workday at[…]
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing the Pallet Herb Garden Workshop. A new date has not been set. Saturday, May 20th, 9:30-1pm we will have our monthly workday at[…]
6:00 pm, Thursday, April 13th at the Grayson LandCare office Potluck & Intro to Permaculture Bring a dish to share and learn more about Permaculture and how to apply its[…]