Alice Cox of FFA to speak Monday April 18, 7pm
Alice Cox is the featured speaker Monday April 18 at 7pm. for the monthly Grayson LandCare presentation in the 1908 Baldwin Auditorium. Alice is one of the advisors for the[…]
Alice Cox is the featured speaker Monday April 18 at 7pm. for the monthly Grayson LandCare presentation in the 1908 Baldwin Auditorium. Alice is one of the advisors for the[…]
Happy April GLC members!!First, let me say a very late THANK YOU for allowing me to serve as president of Grayson LandCare this year. I appreciate your support and I[…]
The Farmers Market opens May 6th for the first day of our 15th season! We will be in our temporary location on Courthouse Street, the Gate Center parking lot AND[…]
Food Independence has seen a large increase in demand for food during winter and early spring that rival end of year holiday levels. Numbers of households receiving food rose about[…]
Q: Who is the Free Market for?People who cannot afford to buy new things? People who love to find a deal? People who care about the environment?A: All of the[…]
If you regularly drive Rt. 58 through Baywood, you have probably wondered what is happening in the half-acre plot in front of Church of the Good Shepherd. Five years ago,[…]