IFM holds winter Markets November 26 and December 4
The IFM will be back on Courthouse Street for our 2 Winter Markets-Green Friday November 26 and parade Saturday December 4. Please kick off the holidays with your favorite IFM[…]
The IFM will be back on Courthouse Street for our 2 Winter Markets-Green Friday November 26 and parade Saturday December 4. Please kick off the holidays with your favorite IFM[…]
This Saturday, November 13th, we will participate in “An Appalachian Christmas” at Matthews Living History Farm from 11 am – 3 pm. We will be giving away beautiful Christmas cards[…]
The annual meeting, auction and potluck Monday October 18 at Eagleview Event Center was a wonderful evening. The food was fabulous, the conversation was lively (even through masks!), and we[…]
It’s finally here! We will be meeting at Eagle View Event Center this Monday the 18th. You are welcome anytime after 5pm to peruse the silent auction items. Dinner will[…]
60 timber framers from all over the country worked from October 1-10, in sunshine, drizzle and pouring rain, to complete a beautiful white oak frame for the pavilion at Town[…]
Forester Britt Boucher is the featured speaker for September. He will speak on best forest management practices for landowners on Monday September 20 from 7-8pm at the Baldwin Auditorium of[…]
Grayson LandCare is excited to resume our Annual Meeting, Potluck and Auction! We know 2020 was a hard year, and we are looking forward to being able to safely join[…]
The construction of Town Park has started! The Timber framers will arrive October 1st to begin building the pavilion. In the meantime, the IFM has moved right across the street[…]