Bill Shepley to speak March 21
County Administrator Bill Shepley is the featured speaker this month. We will meet at the 1908 Courthouse Baldwin Auditorium at 7pm. Mr. Shepley will give an overview of 2021 and[…]
County Administrator Bill Shepley is the featured speaker this month. We will meet at the 1908 Courthouse Baldwin Auditorium at 7pm. Mr. Shepley will give an overview of 2021 and[…]
Town Manager Reid Walters will give an update of Town achievements for 2021 and plans for 2022. Join us at the 1908 Courthouse Baldwin Auditorium (Upstairs) from 7-8pm. All Grayson[…]
Ann Cox, who leads the FFA at GCHS, was to be our featured speaker Monday April 18 at 7pm. Here is some information about FFA and it’s importance to our[…]
We have decided to cancel the December meeting and Christmas Party since we were able to have a wonderful meeting and party in October. We are very thankful that, with[…]
Grayson LandCare will not hold its Holiday Gathering or meeting this December. Members are usually asked to bring canned goods or other shelf stable food products to donate to a[…]
We are so pleased to be able to continue the tradition of featuring local authors for our November meeting. Authors Deborah Clark and Robert La Combe will read from their[…]
The annual meeting, auction and potluck Monday October 18 at Eagleview Event Center was a wonderful evening. The food was fabulous, the conversation was lively (even through masks!), and we[…]
Forester Britt Boucher is the featured speaker for September. He will speak on best forest management practices for landowners on Monday September 20 from 7-8pm at the Baldwin Auditorium of[…]