Harvest Moon Social, Auction and Annual Meeting is October 21st. YOU are invited!

 You are cordially invited to join Grayson LandCare Monday, October 21 6:00-9pm at the Goodwill Grange #959, 840 Grange Hall Road, Troutdale VA, 24378.  Doors open at 5:30 pm. Please[…]

Learn to Control Invasive Plants Sept 14, 2-4 pm

Early fall is the best time to start controlling invasive plants and permaculture garden creators, Cynthia & Rick Taylor, will lead a demonstration/presentation to show us control methods for common[…]

CANCELLED: Pallet craft make & take workshop THIS Thursday MAY 9

Due to low registrations, the workshop has been cancelled Join the Permaculture Group to re-purpose pallets into herb, planters, and tea cup bird feeders for your patio, deck, or garden. […]

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